First of all, I want to say that the assembly of my pattern sheets is a little different from other sellers.
So, now you have to found your paper size and open it.
Printing a Test Page
PDF patterns usually include a test square so that you can check that you’re printing at the right scale before printing off your entire pattern. On LEKA patterns, this test square appears on the first page of the pattern.
Let’s look at the printer settings we want to use. The most important thing to look for is scaling. Printers often try to “help” by resizing a document to fill the entirety of a page, but this causes distortion and we definitely don’t want that! We want to make sure all of the pieces are printing exactly to size, so that we don’t end up with extra big or extra small pieces.
The easiest way to make sure your printer is maintaining the proper scale is to select the “no scaling” or “custom scale=100%” option.
Finally, set your page range to “1” so that only the first page prints for now.
And let’s hit print to get that first page printed.
Check test square
We want to check with a ruler that our test square is indeed 1.9” by 1.9” (5 cm by 5 cm). If it’s bigger or smaller than 1.9”, something went wrong in the scaling, so go back and check the printing settings.
Start at 2 through the last page.
Printing all PDF Pattern sheets
If our test square printed to scale, we can use the same settings to print out the rest of the pattern. The only thing we’ll do differently this time is to set our page range to start at 2 through the last page in the document, or just choose all pages.
Once all of the pages are printed out, we’ll need to tape the pages together.
Assembling the PDF Pattern
For all LEKA patterns, we use a system where each column of pages has a number (1, 2, 3…) and each row of pages has a letter (A, B, C…). Even if you don’t have the print layout in front of you, the page labels will clue you in as to how the pages should be laid out.
Now we need to tape the pieces together.
Tape it
You don't need nothing to cut or put on top of each other.
Check your size - size chart, and then find out your size line in the test square.
Your size
And thats it. Cut out your patterns pieces.